Reference | Description | Ep. (mm) | Weight Kg/ML | Weight Kg/M² | U | Cond. | Bar length |
P 80 slat made of galvanised steel ZC 275 |
L8GXX07 | P 80 SLAT GALVANISED 7/10e | 0,7 | 0,91 | 11,41 | ML | 48 | (1) (2) |
L8GXX10 | P 80 SLAT GALVANISED 10/10e | 1,0 | 1,30 | 16,3 | ML | 48 | (1) (2) |
L8GXP10 | P 80 SLAT GALVANISED PERFORATED 10/10e | 1,0 | 1,01 | 12,62 | ML | 48 | (1) (2) |
L8GXX12 | P 80 SLAT GALVANISED 12/10e | 1,2 | 1,565 | 19,5 | ML | 48 | (1) (2) |
P 80 slat made of stainless steel ZC 275 (316L) |
L8IXX08 | P 80 SLAT INOX 316L 8/10e | 0,8 | 1,03 | 12,88 | ML | 48 | Max. 8 ML (2) |
L8IXP08 | P 80 SLAT INOX 316L PERFORATED 8/10e | 0,8 | 0,75 | 9,38 | ML | 48 | Max. 8 ML (2) |
(1) Possibility of fractioning every 50 cm (tolerance of + or – 5 cm over the lengths) according to conditioning: between 5 and 12,5 metres.
(2) To measure: quantity upon request, cut to exact dimensions (“C” reference provided on invoice) and possibility to order very long lengths.
(3) Possibility to order exact quantities. However, price conditions could change.
(4) Epoxy coating is required when the curtain is to be installed outside.